sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

Bismilahi Rahmani Rahim

As salamu alaikum warahmetulahi wabarakatuh

City in the sights The recent unrest in Tehran are part of the struggle of the United States against Islam and against the theocracy in the world. The United States of America are valuarte argues that the model of democratic capitalist world and fear the advance of political Islam, of militant Islam in the world. The political model of Islam becomes a serious threat to the empire. Democracy can not compete with political Islam. The results of both models are evident. But the United States defend the model of world destruction because it is what holds up the nation as a world leader. Of course the American model is more attractive as it offers the freedom to deceive the evil thing that human love and so unconscious desire. The government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is a theocratic government and Islamic government is one where God has the last word is the word of God and not the will of the people as in Western nations. An important part of the Iranian people influenced and manipulated by the United States is trying to break free of the political order to establish a theocratic capitalist democracy. This spurred by the United States. Unconscious so they are facing God. Word of the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is the word of God because God is the ruler in Iran, which opposes his authority is resisting God. No one can be Muslim and oppose God at the same time. Muslims should know that Iranians do not to play the enemy of God and Islam. The USA is in the sights the city of Tehran as a way to destabilize the Iranian Islamic theocratic system. Tehran is in the United States looking for and they will have pressure to do more this time to overthrow the Islamic government. They will bring his action until the very end. It is the conspiracy of Satan against God. From here we humbly with our unconditional spiritual leader Ali Khamenei and the brother of our brother President Mahmud Ahmadinejad. Everything in our power to defend the Islamic theocracy, we are going to do. Our project is a Latin American political Islamic point of Islamic resistance against the western world led by United States. In defending the government of God on earth we call the Latin American Muslims to play a more real in the fight against the rule of Allah. Iran's struggle is the struggle for Allah and all Muslims do not try to ignore it for convenience or fear. Let us not silent accomplices of Satan's actions against Islamic peoples theocratic salgaos in defending our Iranian brothers. In defending the divine theocracy. This is a good opportunity to Arreciado action against the world of Satan. This is a good opportunity to show them against Allah there is no one who can. The iniquitous system of western unbeliever this fall by just missing the world's Muslims that we adjourn to the one and only release a cry and fall. New York City is the heart of the anti falling Allah when this nation will fall the rest of the system that still holds up. Every effort of the Muslims in the world has to be directed against this Babylon the great mother of harlots who support that claim to share the world. Allah is the greatest empire the fall of Satan in this century Insha Allah fall. Allahu Akbar

Teodoro Rafael Darnott Muslim Abdullah

Hizbullah Party of God Venezuela

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